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Top 5 Surprises That Come With New Parenthood

Thought Pieces

After nine months of nausea, vomiting, a bloated feeling, and uneasiness, and countless doctor visits, and finally the grand finale -- the excruciating pain of childbirth, you become a different person. You and your partner will start to view the world differently. Nothing in this world feels exclusively yours like this little stranger who switched the poles of your world. Welcome to parenthood. They say a woman is complete only when she becomes a mother, but in reality, a child will make the family complete. Gear up for these top 5 surprises that parenthood will throw at you.

You understand the miracle of life: You will be wondering how a small seedling like a baby evolves into a full-grown one and how on earth did it come out of you? As you grow with your baby, you feel connected to its soul, and you realize at every step -- the miracle of life. It will make you an evolved human being. It will make you reflect on every decision you've made in life and conclude that all of it has led you to this moment -- when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time and feel like a proud parent.

You excel at time management and multitasking: Even before you come out of the trance of this new member's entry will begin his demands. All the feeding and pooping will make you exhausted, but when your baby is asleep, which is most of the time, you look at his face and thank God for such an amazing gift. You get used to waking up at odd times and doing odd jobs, and slowly it will become a part of your life, and soon you will excel at it.

You appreciate your parents, especially your mother, better: Your parents will be your saviors. They will take care of your baby while you're away at work and will mind the least when you call them a hundred times throughout the day to check on your baby. You don't even have to worry because you know for a fact that they've done a pretty great job of bringing you up. You will finally understand your mother and her fears for you. All the times she tried to protect you, all the times she cooked for you, took care of you. You will fall in love with your mom all over again.

You will voluntarily want to quit your bad habits: New parents will contemplate their life choices. They will cut down on cigarettes and alcohol. Even try to quit altogether. They'll become hygiene-oriented just to save their baby from the wrath of germs. They'll come back home on time or even earlier just to spend some quality time with their baby. You will fight less, understand more. You will appreciate each other better.

You finally realize it's not that hard: Soon you'll cherish every moment and every memory of your child. Imprint it in your brains to recollect and tell your kid about it in the years to come. You'll soon get the hang of parenting and always make sure you don't repeat the same mistakes. This is the only time when you hate to take risks, and you will learn from the mistakes of others. You will be extra cautious and attentive. Soon, you will become a pro at it. All the best!


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