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The journey of love through the ages

The Journey of Love Through Ages

Every one of us at any point in our lives must have wondered, what is love? The real definition may be a mystery or not because science actually doesn't approve or have proof of love, yet people say they have fallen in love. Maybe love is like water. It molds itself to the changing situations. Let us have a look at the journey of love through ages..

Earlier (man) stages: There was nothing called love. Even if there was, it made no sense. People just lived to eat and they satisfied their physical needs with maybe anyone or anything.

Later the same time: There may be...was love, but people didn't pay much attention to it. People lived with each other for the sake of living or maybe lived with the person who fetched them food.

Last stages of this stage: People had multiple partners so that they had their options open! Especially men (very rarely even women) married more than one partner and also had mistresses.

Somewhere in between: People used to get committed by the institution of marriage. Parents would search for a suitor who can feed and take care of them, someone of the same caste and town? They practically hypnotized themselves to love that one person. These can be called arranged marriages.

Starting a new journey: Days passed and people started to choose the person they'd like to fall in love with. This journey resulted in a love marriage or a heartbreak and having an arranged marriage.

Beginning of the present times: Over the past two decades, the journey of love has lost its way. It's haywire yet stagnant. It is being influential and contaminated. The term true love is a rarity. People loved but in silences and distances.

PRESENT DAY: It's like you see 100 people; meet 50 of them; select 25; "date" at least 15; live-in with maybe 5 of them; if you feel compatible, marry one person and later if you change your mind, you can still move on to another. This depends on your taste, mood, interest, and time. If you have a small fight, you will get divorced. Ego problems will surface time and again. There is no clarity or purity in these kinds of relationships. And there is definitely no commitment.

Near future: There will be nothing called love. People will laugh at it. People will keep having sex all the time. There will be no marriages, only live-in relationships. We will live only to satisfy our physical desires.

Future: You will just live for the sake of living. People will have no time for anything else in life except the rat race. Who earns more will be replaced by who has more human resources to survive (global warming effect).

Finally: Robots will do all your work. You'll just laze around doing nothing. We will even invent anti-sex-desiring hormones or tablets to keep away from it, or maybe we'll just go around having sex with anyone or anything. Love? What's that? And the cycle continues...

But in my opinion, love is nothing but happiness. Whatever and whoever makes you happy is love. Love sees no gender, no caste, no time, no race, no money, no beauty, no nothing. Love is just love.


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