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Hack the summer in style

Summer Tips

Summer is right upon us, but fret not. We have something just for you. Now stop praying "save us from the sweltering heat, my Lord! We bow to thee." Agreed that the heat is harsh, but it is definitely not going to kill you. Not when you follow these handy tips. Now sit back and say hello to summer.

Do not forget to wear sunscreen: This goes for both boys and girls. It's been said on a loop that the sun has UV radiations that are harmful to the skin, and you need to protect yourself from its harshness. Not only to maintain your skin health but also to avoid sunstroke and fainting. Also, exfoliate your skin in summers. Dead cells are caused due to increased sweat. Wash them away with granulated face washes.

Sleep well and stay indoors: Now that's not hard to do, is it? But it's not possible all the time. Travel in covered vehicles when going out and keep your rooms cool when indoors. Even when you're going out, carry umbrellas. Cover yourself with scarves and hats. Try trendy ones at that!

Drink lots of water, buttermilk, fruit juice, water-rich fruits etc.: Water intake will maintain the levels of bodily fluid, balancing your metabolism. Green tea might help too!

Wash your hair every other day. Tie your hair up so that it doesn't trouble you throughout the day. Opt for a low maintenance hairstyle. Wear cotton clothes that are loose and airy. Opt for lighter shades that cover most part of your body.

Go swimming. This'll let your skin breathe. It will open the pores, refresh you and also it's the best exercise this summer. And don't stay in air conditioning for too long. It will only give you the illusion of coolness, but it hurts in the long run!

Avoid junk altogether: Now this might be a little tough for you to do, but vow not to eat even a morsel of junk food. It cripples your body's already weakened immune system by the sun. Eat healthy. Eat lots of salads. Why don't you try ice golas, pudina pani, lassi, faluda, kulfi, and other roadside drink joints. Be safe than sorry.


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