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Showing posts from 2017

And I kissed him in the middle of the street.. (Script)

Scene 1: Ext/Day/A secluded road Alan anxiously waits for Amy, sitting on a raised pavement, constantly checking his watch. (Mid Long shot: Alan looking down at his fingers with a worried expression / Background music) (BG: He sits in front of a closed shutter near a Y junction adjacent to the road) As a blurred silhouette approaches him, Alan takes out his mobile phone and dials Amy's number. (Close up) Amy comes into view, walking towards Alan with a tear-stained face. (Shoulder shot of Amy) Alan stands up, looking at Amy, who appears distressed. (Medium Long shot with music playing in the background) (BG: Junction in the background) They walk together in silence. (Long shot) Alan attempts to speak, but Amy starts talking. "My mom kept me awake all night, Alan. She asked me to choose between you and my parents." (Medium shot) A worried expression crosses Alan's face as he wipes off a bead of sweat. (Medium Close up of Alan as he looks at Amy) Amy glances at t

Stuck in a Love Loop

It happened 7 years ago, but the memories are as vivid as if it were yesterday. That year was undoubtedly the best of my life, as I experienced the magic of falling in love. Deeply enamored by the feeling, I was eager to explore this emotion. However, my heart and mind were in constant conflict. Being an emotional person, my heart led the way, unbeknownst to me at the time. It was a cold winter night, and I, a college student working part-time at a library, was wrapped in layers of warm clothing. Little did I know that on January 30th, 2012, my life would take an unexpected turn. I laid eyes on a stranger who would later become my best friend, soul mate, lover, and husband. Our connection blossomed rapidly as we chatted through the night. The adrenaline rushed through me, and I felt alive and happy. However, doubt and fear crept in as I questioned my intense feelings for someone I just met. Despite the societal taboo against dating in my community, I couldn't resist the magnet