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Showing posts from October, 2013

The demon under the sheets

Article Imagine this scenario: A newly-wed bride is dressed with the best clothes and ornaments and is made to sit gracefully on a velvet bed decked in flowers. Her lips are trembling, hands sweating, her forehead twitching with anxiety. The man of the hour enters the room, and the girl's heart races faster than her thoughts. He lifts her face and pulls her closer, dragging her in a way that she lies down on the bed. He gets on top of her and plunges deep inside. The girl writhes in pain but follows the orders of her mother and aunts, saying "do not make him angry, do whatever he asks you to." The man finishes his job and snores soundly while tears roll down the girl's eyes and blood drips down her skirt. Marital rape is not considered rape at all, especially in traditional societies. Girls are programmed to save themselves for this day and to remain